National Poetry Writing Month 2017, Day 7

My Seventh poem for National Poetry Writing Month uses the prompt from—which involves making four short lists, then connecting items from the first two using information from the last two. The list items I chose were the smooth, black stone (touchstone) a friend of mine gave me, under the coffee table (where I sometimes find my remote after misplacing it), the remote control I misplace at least twice a day, and not remembering something about an item I have been given (a business card, in the example on my actual list).  Continue reading

A partial list of bad things (a poem)

My verbless poem challenge feels extra challenging today, so this one is a list poem. …
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Kevin’s Rules of Poetry Reading Etiquette (the concise list version)

The following is based on fifteen months of poetry readings and open mics. I fully intend to post a more rant-y version of this later to reflect a couple of recent experiences; for now, I think this simple list will be appropriate: Continue reading